Data security guarantee
We are ISO 27001 information security certified. Integra Global Solutions Corp is a Pennsylvania, USA corporation and we abide by the US state and federal data protection and privacy regulations. Since we work with accounting firms across many countries, we have incorporated high levels of data security measures for protecting your client's data and information.
We have adapted these measures in the servers, network, systems and office premises. All our offshore office premises in India and Philippines are highly secure. We also periodically conduct thorough and comprehensive security audits to ensure data security compliance.
Office premises and data centers
- Entry restricted to only authorized personnel
- 24/7 Security guards monitor office entrances
- CCTV cameras monitor entire office work floor
- Bio-metric finger print reader system to restrict access
- No printers, USB pen drives and CD/DVD's in the office
- Comprehensive disaster recovery procedures
Networks & systems
- Bank grade high security data servers at data centers in USA
- Software and hardware firewalls to safeguard computer networks
- Computer monitoring software and password for every computer user
- Cloud storage and online file transfer systems uses 256-bit encryption
- Strict nondisclosure agreement with all our employees
- Independent security clearance for every employee
- Comprehensive training on data protection and privacy laws
When you outsource your client bookkeeping jobs to us, you will have the highest possible data confidentiality. For any questions, regarding our data security, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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